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Pleasant Acres Farm | Pomona Park, Florida

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CHICKEN EGGS for sale $5.00 per dozen

DUCK EGGS for sale $6.00 per dozen


Contact us at 386.777.9224 (text only) or use our contact form below.

Ask about pre-ordering duck or chicken meat birds. Healthy and delicious. Limited availability.

Business Hours

10.00AM - 2.00PM
10.00AM - 2.00PM
10.00AM - 2.00PM
10.00AM - 2.00PM
10.00AM - 2.00PM
10.00AM - 2.00PM

Pleasant Acres Farm in Pomona Park Florida, Est. 2018 – Our current breeds of chickens are: Barred Rock – Black Laced “Golden” Wyandotte – Brown Leghorn – Golden Comet and Welsummer.

Meet our duck flock:

Bea, Bonnie and Clyde, are Rouen ducks. All ducks originate come from wild Mallards. Rouen ducks are about as close as you can get to a Mallards color profile. Rouen’s, however are much larger than wild Mallards. Rouen ducks came to the US around 1850. Rouen produce large to extra large eggs that are blue green to near white. Clyde was chosen for his mallard coloring.

Babe and Ruth are Khaki Campbell ducks. Khaki Campbells are one of the best known, famous and most popular egg laying breed of domestic ducks. It is a pretty old breed that originated in England and was introduced to the public in 1898.They lay large eggs which can be white or tinted in color.

Alberta Einstein is our White Crested duck. I have to say they are the most adorable ducks ever! The white crested ducks are also a classic breed, and were recorded in paintings as early as 1660 by Jan Steen. They were admitted in the American registry in 1874. Their eggs are white and of medium size.

Willow is a Pekin duck. Pekin ducks are the most common production ducks in the world. Both the Aflac duck and Donald Duck are Pekins! They were introduced to America in 1873 by James E. Palmer, who started the American flock. They lay Large to Extra large white eggs.

Gypsy is a Welsh Harlequin. They originated in Wales. It is a fairly new breed developed in 1949 by Leslie Bonnet. He discovered a color mutation in his flock of Khaki Campbells and began selective breeding for the trait. They lay large , white eggs.

Lil Webbie and Ms. Webster are Cayuga ducks. The Cayugas exact heritage is unknown but are named after Cayuga County, New York in the 1850’s. They are classified as an American heritage breed duck. Their large eggs change color over the egg laying season. They typically start out black, very dark green or very dark gray. As the season progresses they can go thru many shades , including blue-gray, gray, mottled green and green but eventually end up white.

Daisy is a Buff Orpington. The Buff duck is the result of a cross between Indian runners, Rouen and Aylesbury ducks. They are called Orpington ducks because of their origin from the famous Orpington Farms in England. They were introduced to the US in 1908 at the Madison Square Gardens show in New York City where they were recognized by the American Poultry Association in 1914. Their status in the US is listed as “threatened”. They lay large white to tinted eggs.

Mr. T Waddles is a male Silver Appleyard. Appleyards were developed by Reginald Appleyard at his famous Priory Waterfowl Farm near Bury St. Edmund, England in 1940. They were brought to the United States in the 1960’s and became available to the public in 1984. He obviously will not be laying any eggs, but he is another male in our flock and was chosen for his beautiful plumage and possible future breed.

We also hatch and raise mixed breed ducks from a combination of parents listed above.


aDuck eggs Facts:

Duck eggs are the most consumed eggs in the world. Duck eggs are eaten more than chicken eggs although chicken eggs are the most common in the US. Duck egg consumption is quickly growing here in popularity. Duck eggs have a thicker shell and membrane than chicken eggs, which helps extend their shelf life by preventing microbes from getting into the egg shell. For general recipes you wont notice much difference except for size. Duck eggs however are prized and sought after by bakers because of their larger fat content. Duck eggs contain more of the protein called albumen, which provides more structure and higher lift in baked goods. More albumen equates to lighter and fluffier cakes, pastries and other baked goods. Duck eggs have a larger yoke to white ratio than chicken eggs, giving them a creamier flavor.

Duck eggs are a notable 50% larger than a large chicken egg. They have a large golden and creamy yoke and many people love them for their rich, extra creamy eggy flavor. A duck egg is slightly more nutritious than a chicken egg, partly due to its size. An average duck egg weighs about 2.5 oz ( 70 grams) whereas a large chicken egg is closer to 1.8 oz or 50 grams. When cooking with duck eggs, two duck eggs are equivalent to three chicken eggs.

Duck eggs can be prepared just like chicken eggs, scrambled, fried, poached, hardboiled or sunny side up. Overcooking can make them rubbery, so be careful not to over cook them, care should be taken to only just cook them through. Duck eggs contain less water and more fat than a chicken egg and have firmer whites. Duck eggs do not whip up as well as chicken eggs whites, but letting them come to room temperature and adding a bit of lemon juice helps.

Studies have shown farm raised eggs have less cholesterol and less saturated fat than their store bought counterparts. Farm raised eggs have an increased amount of vitamin A, E, D and have more Omega 3 fatty acid and more beta carotene. To read more about the nutrients and vitamins in eggs please go to https://www.australianeggs.org.au/nutrition/nutrients-and-vitamins

Another study performed by Mother Earth News in 2007 found compared to conventional eggs, pasture eggs contained 1/3 less cholesterol, ¼ less saturated fat, 2/3 more Vitamin A, 2x more Omega 3 fatty acids, 3x more vitamin E and 7x more beta carotene.

Chickens ( or any poultry) diet as well as its environment can greatly not only affect egg production but their feed and diet also affect their egg and meat nutritional values. A consumer looking for a better source of nutrition and purchasing eggs from a local farmer should know what those chickens are consuming. As the old saying goes “You are what you eat”.

We at Pleasant Acres Farms feed our poultry non GMO, whole grains as well as treats of vegetables and occasional fruits. Our feed mix is both soy and corn free. Our happy hens and ducks have outside and safe access in a run that allows for plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Our poultry has access to grass, weeds and bugs; all the things a chickens and ducks loves in nature. This means healthy and happy birds as well as healthier eggs and meat.

For years we enjoyed buying our eggs locally to not only to support our local farmers but to have better eggs for our family. I personally have enjoyed all the beautiful colored eggs, from baby blue to chocolate brown. We know most farmers and backyard poultry producers love their animals and give them the freedom to roam and have the best life possible.

Over the years we noticed how much the eggs yoke color varied from farmer to farmer. Though the yokes were darker and somewhat richer from their store counterparts, they were still not as dark and rich as the eggs I was fortunate to have growing up with. Upon visiting one local farm that sold his excess eggs (they primary were chick sellers) I asked about the feed they used. The chickens were fed standard poultry feed, were cooped in grassless pens and not given any additional food such as vegetables or bug treats. Though I appreciated this farmer and his beautiful eggs, I decided when I finally got my own poultry I wanted to do things more the old fashioned way. I wanted healthy happy chickens and ducks, and wanted to offer the best possible nutrition for my family and customers.

Most all commercial poultry feed contain soy, corn or both. Both these products are a cheap way for the manufacture to obtain high enough protein sources in their feed. In return these feeds are cheaper for the farmer or backyard poultry to feed their birds. This is great option for the feed producer and cheaper feed for the farmer but what about the birds and you the consumer?

Soy and Soy Iso flavones

85% of soy grown in the US (58.6 percent worldwide) is Genetically Modified (GM).The purpose of GM modification is to impart resistance to the toxic herbicide Roundup. The problem is soy is laden with this toxic herbicide. Second, the soy also contains genes from bacteria that produces a protein that has never been apart of the human food supply. GM soy has been linked to an increase in allergies. The only published human feeding study on GM foods ever conducted confirmed, the gene inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of our gut bacteria and continues to live and function. This means even years after a person stops eating GM soy and other GM foods, they may still have a potentially allergenic protein continuously being produced in their intestines. Even more startling is the possibility that GM foods may cause infertility in future generations. Soy also contains toxins called anti-nutrients which interfere with enzymes you need to digest proteins. There are many other negative implications of soy on the human body, we don’t want it in our bodies, our children’s bodies or our poultry’s bodies and therefore choose not to feed soy to any of our poultry.

Corn in poultry feed

Almost all poultry feed uses corn as its main ingredient.

According to the FDA, Corn is the most commonly grown crop in the United States, and most of it is GMO. Though corn may be a cheap source of protein used to fatten up poultry and other livestock to achieve quick growth and minimize production cost we choose to avoid all GMO feed products for our animals.

For more information about the dangers of soy and information on studies conducted see here:


The Great Soy Formula Experiment

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